Hey Brenda do you know how to lick it oh my God I showed you twice and you still don't know how to lick it I'm going to find a new girl and I'm going to fuck her more than you can just wash my car and knock on my door dumb twit it was fun that's in your ass because it was a virgin but now that your cornhole Scott a portfolio I don't really have an interest then just got big sexy good day and also she knows you cuz you're friends of course I wouldn't trade you far from you I want you to know how much I love you
Well then do it I don't see why you're posting a comment like that it sounds kind of weird you need somebody to fuck you go ask your mom or your sister or your brother get online get out of here take some down and come some rounds I'm sure you're a jerk person around you that you could have fuck you maybe your religious we can do it safe to hell